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The role of neuroimaging in the diagnosis of Filum Disease

Published by at 22 October, 2021

The specialists at the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona request to examine the brain and spinal cord magnetic resonances (MRIs) – especially the cranium-cervical, thoracic and lumbar-sacral-coccygeal spine MRIs – in order to confirm the diagnosis of Filum Disease. In addition, a Scoliogram (X-ray of the entire spine on one film, profile and front view, taken in standing position) is requested to study the bony part.

These neuroimaging diagnostic tests allow to detect the characteristic anatomical expressions of the Filum Disease: the descent of the cerebellar tonsils, the syringomyelic cysts, images of ischemia-oedema in the spinal cord, abnormal curves of the spine, malformations of the occipital hinge, multiple disc disease and any other image suggesting an excessive and abnormal traction produced by an overly tense Filum Terminale.

Thanks to the above mentioned neuroimaging tests, many patients have been diagnosed of Filum Disease through other associated conditions, such as Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type 0 and I, Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis, Platybasia, Basilar Invagination, Kinking of the brainstem and Odontoid Retroflexion.


The Filum Disease and the lumbar MRI in prone position

Some specialists use a lumbar Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in prone position for the diagnosis of the Occult Tethered Cord Syndrome.

As for the diagnosis of the Filum Disease, there is no study that demonstrates this MRI is useful. The diagnosis of the Filum Disease is performed exclusively according to the Filum System® method, which is the result of the research carried out at the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona and whose mark guarantees the application of all its protocols to protect patients from imitations.

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